Furniture Removal Las Vegas

Las Vegas computer recycling and e waste removal just got easier with 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. Our trustworthy and professional team will remove electronics from your home or office, on your schedule. Heavy, awkward computers are no match for our friendly experts.
Your Las Vegas E Waste Removal Experts
E-waste disposal is one of our specialties at 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. Computers, televisions, appliances, office equipment, bath appliances, and consumer electronics, are all considered e-waste. Call today to arrange for one of our teams to come to your business or home to remove your decommissioned computers and other bulky electronic items. Just point and junk disappears. Our uniformed professionals will carry out your old e-waste, place the items in one of our shiny trucks and drive away. We're happy to help your problems disappear.
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Our Dedication to the Las Vegas Community
Today's modern lifestyle includes the daily use of cell phones, laptops, cameras, and many other items that eventually wear out or become obsolete. Businesses, as well as individuals, rely on upgraded servers and numerous smart options that include the use of circuit boards. At 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, we understand this demand, and provide an easy way for you to dispose of your old electronics. By recycling laptops, computers and other e-waste, you are preserving precious metals and providing an environmentally-friendly disposal method.
Our experts are trained to identify which items can be reused, upcycled, and recycled, as well as what needs to be properly disposed of. We have provided trusted junk removal since 1989 and we recycled before it was cool. You can count on us to quickly remove your electronics, sort them, and dispose of them in the most efficient and eco-friendly manner possible. We're in your neighbourhood, and we are happy to help.
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